We start out each Sunday morning all together for worship. Bring your kids in and worship together as a family.

After the music and announcements, you and your kids have some options.

  1. You can always keep your kids with you in church. We have kits for kids who need a little something to keep their hands busy. We also have a family room for nursing or if you just need a moment.

  2. Children's Church
    During the teaching time we offer two classes staffed by our amazing volunteers (who are all background checked). Be sure to register and get a sticker for your kiddo so we have your emergency contact info.
    • Birth thru 3-year old
    • Preschool thru 3rd Grade
    After church you pick them up in their classroom.

About Arise Kid’s Ministry

We love kids and families! But here is the truth: traditional youth ministry isn’t working great. Research shows around the United States nearly 50% of students walk away from church after they graduate from High School. (read more)

As a church we are charting a new course, that is both true to the Bible and research-based. It is based on 4 key principles:

  • Partnership with Families – Parents are the #1 influencers when it comes to spirituality in young people, even teenagers. We want to empower parents to nurture faith in their families. We want to resource parents with the tools they need to make disciples out of their kids. Here are a few to get started

  • Intergenerational Relationships – Kids also need to be engaged with other adults (who are not their parents). We believe this happens best in church when kids have the opportunity to serve alongside and do ministry with other adults and kids. Kids and youth are encouraged to serve as volunteers wherever they can.

  • Whole Gospel – We want to clearly communicate the whole truth about the gift of grace from Jesus Christ, not just a fragmented list of Bible stories. Our focus is Biblical truth for kids in the same way we want Biblical truth for our adults.

  • A Safe Place for Doubt – We want to dive deep into the worldview and foundational topics and ask the hard questions and give our kids (and adults) an opportunity to honestly wrestle with claims of the Bible.

As your young kids start entering into 4th grade (or so) we want to invite you to bring your kids to church with you, in the actual regular service. Wait, before you go… please read on…

We know it is not the easy button! Trust us, we know, you just need a break. One hour of kid-free time on Sunday sounds great. Kids in church isn’t always easy. But trust us, invest that time into your kid’s spiritual life and you’ll be thankful in the end. Go ahead and hire the sitter when you need a break during the week. Use that vacation day with your spouse. But don’t miss the spiritual conversations that come from a family discussing the Bible message they heard together.

We believe it is the best way for your kids to grow and develop a relationship with God. To this point, we keep our teaching short, engage kids and teens directly as part of the audience, and provide an activity tote full of coloring books, Legos, and more. 

Our staff has found that debriefing church with kids weekly over ice cream produces meaningful faith conversations. Sunday Sundaes.

Meet Our Kid’s Director-

Chauntel Walton was born and raised on the twin island state of Antigua and Barbuda. She grew up in a Christian home, and from a young age, she knew she wanted to be a Christian school teacher. Chauntel came to the United States in 2011 to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education graduating in 2015, and later pursued a master’s degree in Educational Leadership graduating in 2018. Chauntel taught third grade for one year before meeting her husband, Jonathan, in November 2019. Six months later, Jonathan and Chauntel were married. The Lord has blessed them with three wonderful daughters. One of Chauntel’s favorite verses is Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”