What is baptism? 

The Bible refers to a couple different things with the word baptism. In each case the root meaning has to do with “identification”. The original Greek word “baptizo” that we transliterate into baptism was used to describe the immersion or dipping of cloth into a vat of dye in order to change its color– changing its “identity”.

The most common usage in the Bible actually refers to “spiritual baptism” or identification with Christ. When we believe the gospel, God “baptizes” us with the Holy Spirit.  But this doesn’t involve any water at all. Instead, we are sealed, or “marked as His” by the Spirit– meaning we are identified with Him.

What is water baptism?

The Bible also talks about water baptism in two forms. 

  1. The first is what John the Baptist did, people who were changing their mind about God (repenting) sought John out to be identified with his message.  They were declaring they had gone astray and were coming back to God through the teaching of John. Jesus was baptized by John, not because he had anything to repent about, but to publicly identify himself as in agreement with John. 

    If you have gone astray and have returned to the Lord, and want to make a public declaration about your choice to return to Biblical teaching you can be baptized as a public testimony of your faith in Christ.

  2. The second is what was practiced by the early church, as found in the book of Acts. Sometime after a person believed the gospel, they would be baptized by a believer in the “name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”. This is a chance for a believer to make a public testimony of their faith in Christ. 

If you are a new believer, or simply new to our church family and want to make a public testimony about your faith we would invite you to be baptized as a public testimony of your faith in Christ.

What about other traditions?

For the past couple thousand years most churches have continued to baptize new believers. Some churches have baptized infants. Some sprinkle, others immerse. Some use rivers, others swimming pools. To be honest there are almost as many baptism traditions as there are churches. 

Some of these match the Biblical model, others don’t. We believe the physical form of how churches baptize is not as important as the main point– our public testimony as believers of our identification with Jesus’ gospel message: that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

What we do here at Lacey Bible Church

Here at our church, we invite anyone who would like to make a public declaration of their faith to be baptized. If you are able to say “I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins.” Then we are willing to get some water on ya. 

Typically, we use a small pool of water, and since it is the 21st century we use heated water.  Ah.

If you have some physical or other limitation that keeps you from getting a traditional dunking then we happily work with you to figure out another option. Don’t feel weird for asking.

Baptism Sunday Logistics

Inside – Fall/Winter/Spring –  We’ll host the baptism at the end of our regular services.  There will be a pool of water up front right in front of the platform.

Outside – Summer –  After church we’ll meet out in front of the annex building. There will be a pool of water, and the church will hang out in the grassy area as spectators.

Either –

You can choose who from our church you’d like to have baptize you, a parent, a pastor, a mentor, etc. This person (or a pastor) will ask you, “Do you believe the Jesus that died on the cross to pay for your sins”. You say “Yes” or “Yes, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins”. They will say “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”. You will hold your nose with one hand and your shoulder with the other and they will dunk you. Everyone gives you applause. We’ll hand you a towel and you can either stay and watch the rest of the baptisms or you can step into a church restroom to get changed and dry.

Someone will be taking photos or a video, and we’ll get you a copy.

We will give out blue Lacey Bible Shirts to those who are getting baptized, (we have men’s, women’s, and youth sizes). You are encouraged to wear it the day of the baptism so folks can give you high fives and know who is getting baptized. Wear shorts or something comfortable to be in water with, and bring a change of clothes. If you would like you can get changed between church service and the baptism.

Thanks again for being baptized and sharing your testimony here at our church, it is always encouraging to the whole church family.